As authentic and classy a film camera feels, it's just not the same as a digital. I would really love to get a cheap point and shoot digital camera to take quick pics of Evelyn. The only obstacle to me posting pics of bebe is that I simply forget to go down to the camera shop and get my film developed. I currently have 5 rolls of film that has yet to be made into something I can post online. I wish Ritz Camera did a pick up and delivery service; I'd totally pay extra for it! Ritz does a super good job of developing and scanning my negatives into a CD for 10 bucks, I just need to get my rear in gear and go down there.
In other news, we will be moving down to southside Richmond this weekend. Our lease is up in the apartment and we decided not to renew. I would like a bit more space for all of us (humans and animals) plus our baby+carseat+groceries+diaper bag up three flights of stairs is pretty heavy. My parents graciously invited us to move in with them for a short period of time while we save up a bit of extra money to buy a few things for a new place. I would love a couch that isn't literally falling apart and a bigger bed so we can all fit in there. Ikea has some great prices for mattresses and Costco has some good-looking sectionals *wink* We are moving into my old bedroom, which has it's own bathroom and massive closet. I'm kind of excited about having the closet again. No joke, it's about 6x10 with a window at the end. Aaaahhhh. Should fit all our clothes and Evie's stuff just fine!
Not only are my folks ok with us staying for a little while, they have welcomed the cats and guinea pigs into the house. My mom is not a huge cat fan with all the litter-tracking, shedding, play-fighting, meowing, and growling but she is making a sacrifice to help us out and I appreciate what she's doing so very much.
You know, this reminds me how much I wish our society was a little less independent-minded. Many other countries and societies thrive by living with multiple generations or families in the same home. That saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is one I think of often. Not only do the children have many family members helping take care of them, but the adults help take care of each other and provide things like good company, emotional support, and the sharing of household tasks to name a few. A friend of mine back in California was very close to starting a co-housing community with her family and other like-minded families but unfortunately it didn't work out at the time. I fell in love with what I learned from her and read about co-housing and I really think I would fit well into that type of community. Because we are so obsessed with privacy, personal space and ownership, I don't think America will move towards a more communal way of living anytime soon. Eh, we'll just build another house on my parents' property and invade their living room for the big LCD every night!
Any thoughts on co-housing and communal living styles?
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