Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Sleep

Evelyn has, for the third day in a row, napped for more than one hour. Huzzah! For the past five months she has only been taking naps in 30-60 minute intervals. So what has changed? Well, we have a little routine and that might just be key for helping EvieBell to go to sleep faster and stay asleep. I put the meditation music on with the curtains closed. We lay in bed and she nurses to sleep most of the time. When she doesn't fall asleep, I swaddle her and sway her back and forth with the paci. Then I lay her back down in the bed on her side with the paci. If she's not swaddled, I wrap the open-weave blanket around her bottom half and tuck the extra fabric behind her back. If she's swaddled, I just lay her down in the middle of the bed. Then I whisper "nigh-night" to her a few times to let her know that I'm still there. We have had amazing success with this method, so I'll keep using it. She did start to fuss a tiny bit in her sleep today, but I went back upstairs and popped the paci back in her mouth. She slept for another hour.

As I write, I can hear her starting to grunt and wiggle. I'm off to go greet my happy, rested baby!


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