Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Figuring things out

We are still trying to figure out Evelyn's medication. It has been hard to see her uncomfortable with the tummy pains and all. We took her off the Prevacid and she was a very unhappy baby. She was mainly having reflux, but she was also arching her back a lot. After going back on the half dose of Prevacid, bebe seems much better, but we're still having minor issues with her reflux. The latest thing that's bothering me (and her, of course) is the back arching. I am doing a bunch of research but I just can't seem to figure out why she's doing it if her esophagus isn't hurting. The only other thing I have read is that gas can make babies arch their backs. I'm stumped. Yes, I've called the pediatrician, but she seems to think Evelyn is either experiencing reflux or gas. Eh, I don't really like that answer and I'm so tired of bringing her in every couple weeks. It's not that Evelyn's really sick, I just don't like seeing her uncomfortable and I really want to figure all this out. Quite possibly, it's just general digestive maturation, which most babies go through anyway. Maybe being a first-time mom is the issue?

Despite Evelyn's digestive upsets, she is a happy, bouncy baby now. She is smiling so much and really loving her Johnny Jumper and the exersaucer. She can roll from back to side, side to back, and front to side/back. I really want to get a video of her doing these things, I just forget! I should keep the videocamera out for easy access. We also tried pears yesterday and she loved them. She could have eaten the whole jar but Grandpa only gave her a little more than half. She polished off the rest today and had some prunes. This baby loves food!! Since she pooped this morning after eating the pears, I'm pretty confident that we won't have the same issues that we did from the applesauce and rice cereal. I really have no idea how often to feed or how much, so we're starting slow. I didn't realize how fast we'd go from a tiny nursing newborn to this in such a short time. Babies are only babies for so long!


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