Friday, October 22, 2010

Evelyn's first teeth!

Evelyn is cutting her second tooth! I can't get a photo of her little toothies because she either sticks her tongue in the way or tries to chomp down on my finger. She has been doing so well it's surprising me. My mom warned me that my sister and I had a terrible time cutting teeth, but I think part of that is because we weren't breastfed. Breastfed babies suck differently than bottle-fed babies. It's nature's way of releasing ear and sinus pressure as to prevent fluid buildup that leads to ear infections. Plenty of bottle fed babies cut teeth just fine, but it is more rare for breastfed babies to have ear infections associated with teething.

When Evie is having gum pain, we usually give her the Hyland's teething gel and sometimes Tylenol if it seems really bad. A few times during a drive she was bored and in pain, which was a bad combo. When we're out and about I'm sure she's somewhat distracted so she doesn't complain as much.

Thankfully Evelyn has not bitten me yet while nursing. I'm just not going to think about it, otherwise I'll be tense and I won't let down as much milk. I've been super stressed lately from sleep deprivation and just trying to keep all my affairs in order that I'm not making as much milk as I used to. Evelyn is gaining weight and doing really well so I'm not concerned, really. With the few babies that are going to be born soon comes a need for pumped milk. I have nothing right now due to my lipase issue (will explain later) so I need to be drinking more water!

So our baby is getting her teeth and I'm mostly excited :D She is growing so fast and before I know it she'll be reaching up and asking for more juice, pwease?

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